I didn’t manage to catch the movie “10 promises to my dog” when it was showing in the cinema. Have always wanted to watch it but every time I saw the DVD on sale, there’s just some kinda of hesitation, should I get it or not. I just couldn’t resist the pic on the cover and decided that I should buy it, the puppy’s face on the cover seemed to be like telling me to bring it home. I am quite sure I am gonna shed tears watching that. Sometimes, when the ‘tap’ is turned on, it could be difficult to turn it off, ha! I bet it’s gonna be sweet looking at that puppy and dog in that story but I bet the ending of the story could be quite predictable. Well, needless to say, when I watched the DVD, I kinda cried buckets, especially towards the end of the story. Those movies or stories that gotta do with dogs or animals or children somehow are very capable of stimulating my tear glands. I could just tear hearing the experience of a friend’s dog being put to sleep coz of illness. Some of my friends would advise me not to have a dog coz it might hurt real badly. Well, I am also kinda concerned about giving my dog enough TLC should I ever have one. I think anyone who wishes to get a puppy or dog should watch “10 promises to my dog”, keeping these promises would be wonderful as dog owners. Hmm, a decision is made with the brain but a commitment is made with the heart, thus I guess a commitment is probably more binding than a decision. Keeping a dog is certainly a commitment. At times, even when a dog is unlovable, the dog owner will still love by carrying out his or her responsibilities dutifully, taking good care of the dog’s daily needs and I am sure that is also a way to love. Hmm, I would also love to have a dog but when would be a good time? Is there a good time? Would I be capable of being a good dog owner? Would I be able to keep my promises?
Sunny baby, you are in my thoughts…every time I see a dog along the street or anywhere else, I kinda just think of you. Be a good boy k, hugz :)
Quite a few years ago, I think it was 2000, I remember watching a documentary in Cameron Highlands, it was showing how a herd of elephants moving across a desert in search of water (something like that), all were thirsty and tired. Amongst them was a baby elephant accompanied by his mother, the journey had proven too much for him and he finally collapsed, not able to walk any longer. His mother started using her trunk to push him and urging him to persist…but after a couple of minutes, the baby elephant did not move and lay motionless on the hot sand and his mother still continued pushing him, wishing he would stand up and catch up with the rest. Tears welled up in my eyes and of course, they made their way down my cheeks. So paiseh, I just simply could not help it! In my heart, I knew the elephant had died but seeing his mother using every ounce of her remaining strength to push him just moved me so much! One of my travel mates kinda looked at me with a strange look on his face, wondering what’s there to tear about. Dun ask me why, I dun have an answer, it just moved me to tears…