Saturday, March 30, 2013

A question

Almost two months ago, someone asked an interesting question. She asked, "Do you work for success or for significance?". Somehow, I cannot seem to forget that question and I have a strong feeling that it's going to stay with me for quite some time. True enough, this question has been reappearing in my mind the past week. Well, knowing me, I suppose you would have guessed that I would ask for one's definition of success and significance. True, I probably would, however, when that question was asked, I seemed to know clearly in my mind what my answer would be. The definitions did not really matter that great deal anymore. To be able to find a purpose or a reason for your existence is enlightening and I suppose to be able to be guided by this purpose as you move on in life carries great meaning. The journey inward is always important as one treads on the path called Life. Looking within yourself and feel yourself can somewhat bring comfort especially when there is some form of imbalance or disequilibrium. It allows for better understanding and negotiation of self and surrounding. As I look at the slices of lemon in my glass of ice water, with music playing in the background, I must say that I am thankful for moments like this, moments that allow for connection with self and rediscovery of self.  

Homecooked Penang fare

You know what never fails to bring out the taste of this Penang fried kway teow? To me, it has got to be the bean sprouts. Something that complements the whole dish but something that fried kway teow can never do without. Love lots of it in my fried kway teow, every bean sprout is a bliss!

Never really knew that people in Penang have their own way of making wu xiang until Derrick prepared it that evening during dinner. Right inside the beancurd skin were strips of succulent pork!

Every time I get to taste food that is prepared and cooked by Derrick, I wonder how long it would take  for me to be able to reach that stage of mastery. Ha, am I just a reluctant learner or a slow learner? Well, I guess I should blame myself for not finding time to practise and learn. But it certainly is a blessing to be able to savour food that is cooked by my lovely friends :) Kat, I am still looking forward to trying your claypot rice, tom yum chicken and tiramisu! I guess there are reasons (or rather excuses) why it's so difficult to slim down when you are surrounded by such lovely friends who love to bake, cook and eat. I was invited over to Derrick's place for some Penang fare last weekend as he was in the mood for some Penang fried kway teow. Ha, for that moment, he really looked like he was the fried kway teow seller frying kway teow on a push cart in Penang, so authentic, especially when he insisted that he would only fry one plate for each one of us at one time. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The beautiful bitterness

If bitterness has a negative connotation, then we probably would have restricted the boundaries in which beauty could lie within. Today, I found the beauty of bitterness in a cup of good matcha float. The bitterness still lingers...but the heart is contented :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Latteria Mozzarella Bar

 Oops, forgot to snap a pic of the set menu and forgetful me has forgotten the names of the dishes served. Ha, silly me! :P The starter was a little too salty for me but the cheese in between if eaten in small bites was rather tasty.

 We were really raving about the roasted lamb, so very tender! However, both of us are not so carnivorous by nature so don't think we could finish one whole main individually. Thank goodness, we shared.

The sweetness of the seafood could really be tasted from the soup. Fresh seafood but ha, this main would best suit a real small eater :P

When PY told me that we were going to have our lunch at Latteria Mozzarella Bar (@Duxton Hill) today, I thought we would be having lots of cheese or maybe a variety of cheese as this Italian restaurant is known to specialise in cheese I think. Not really a cheese and wine person though. However, quite a good dining experience at Latteria. PY managed to get us a table under "Singapore Restaurant Week". We were also offered a 4-course set lunch menu. Ha, but cheese or no cheese, restaurant week or no restaurant week, sure glad that PY and I found time to meet up and chat over a good Italian meal, could not believe that the last time we met was early December last year. Well, well, I must say that it was a good afternoon chat about work, people, childhood and memories :) 

But I thought it's spring

Love looking out of my window recently. The road outside my house has been filled with many yellow fallen leaves these two weeks, a carpet of yellow I must say. At times, when the wind's strong enough, you could see lots of yellow leaves making their way down to the ground, just like it was raining leaves, what a beautiful sight! It should be almost spring now, a season that I know I would love to experience but never really get the chance to. One little leaf flew into the house that day. Well, maybe it does not really matter whether it's spring or autumn, I have come to realise that seasons live in my heart. I don't see them but if I do close my eyes and feel them, I know they are there. 

It finally started

 I shall now declare my love for fatty salmon sashimi :P

 Pardon my forgetfulness, cannot recall the kinds of sushi that we ordered but I know that they're pretty tasty.

 Duck croquette...My goodness, who would have thought that duck can be an ingredient in a croquette. Erm, but may I know where's the little ducky in the croquette? But the potato within has compensated for the loss of ducky :P
 Miss Tan ordered things that I wasn't even sure of, haha, I think this is fried octopus.

 I thought nothing much of the spicy gravy that came with the fish head when this was first served but I guess I was wrong.

Scallop + salmon + fried tofu + flavourful sauce = Could I have another serving, please?

Do you know what is the interesting thing about an ending and a beginning? At times, I thought there isn't any difference between both of them. An end point denotes a new beginning and just when you thought it got started, the ending swiftly settles itself comfortably and confidently right before your eyes. Today, it finally started but the end point is just probably about 48 hours away. Short but still precious. Ha, don't worry about what I was blabbing about, just immersing myself in a deep pool of thoughts about beginnings and endings. Anyway, I had dinner at this Japanese restaurant - Itacho Sushi (at Ion), usually spotted having real long queues during meal times. Well, of course, Miss Tan and I are usually not the kind who would queue, not even if it's world best food. Decided to have early dinner and such a relief not seeing a long queue. That kind of satisfaction that seeps through every cell in your body when you savour some good food after a tiring week is simply indescribable, simply beyond words. Make sure you have this kind of moments in your life! A must! We did not really eat a lot but I thought that was a nice dinner. Well, simple gal, simple joy :)  

A little note to both of you...

Dear Yoshi and Rika,

I wish I could write this little note in Japanese. But given those times that I have spent with both of you, I have come to realise that language may not be that huge a barrier afterall where friendship is concerned. In fact, I thought there were lessons that I had learnt from both of you all these years despite being miles apart most of the time. You have shown me that happiness is simply simple little joys in life, happiness is appreciating every little thing or thought that comes your way, happiness has no expectations, happiness is vast and borderless, happiness is infectious. I thank you for all those smiles and laughter that you have brought into the lives of others. Rika, I think anyone would fall in love with that smile of yours and I was telling Mark that you're definitely someone that everyone would love to love :) If both of you are reading this, just want to let you know that it's great to be able to have spent those days with both of you while you were in Singapore. Hope that both of you have had a great time too! Keep warm...


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I'm back! Miss me?

For those who have been following my blog and not being able to read any recent posts, my apologies. I am not really sure, guess not really in the mood to blog and preoccupied with a couple of things at work too. Ha, but I must admit that I do miss blogging, love this space where my thoughts are weaved and stringed into words, where my wildest dreams run free, where daydreaming and fantasizing are my rights, where I seek solace, where simple joys are magnified, where I could feel the silence and peace within me...Good night, little white Ted...