I met Summer while I was walking out of my house to get dinner. My eyes were on Summer the moment I spotted her. She was being walked by a domestic helper. I couldn't help but walked nearer to her. Such a sweet gal, looked so cuddly and so full of warmth, I felt like giving her a big hug at that moment. Oops, you must be wondering who Summer is. She's a four year old golden retriever. Such a friendly gal too! The moment I was near her, patting her, she was wagging her tail and was looking affectionately at me, so willing to make a new friend. I went near her nose and she started sniffing all over my face, ha! That domestic helper must be wondering why this silly gal was so crazy over a big dog :P She asked me if I had a dog...At that instant, I really felt like having a dog, a doggie that's mine...Hmm, well, I have enjoyed that moment with Summer :) Wonder how Summer is feeling in autumn...
Life is like a story and we are the writers of these stories in life. At the end of one's life, what kind of story would we have written? What would the content be like? Let me begin writing my own story, sharing bits and pieces of my life...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Bro is back!
As I am blogging now, my brother is watching F1, Lewis Hamilton has emerged champion. You know, it is kinda interesting how people can be so fascinated by those cars going round the same track 61 times and the amount of hard work put in for every race. Well, I must say I have learnt some stuff about this F1 thingy from my brother :P
To my horror
From Dictionary.com...
horror (n): an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting; a shuddering fear
horror (n): an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting; a shuddering fear
Having not given up on Thai horror movies, decided to catch "Phobia 2". It consists of five stories. After the five stories, it just left me wondering what horror really is. "Phobia 2" seemed kinda different from "Shutter" and "4bia". In "Phobia 2", I feel that there was much gore and a couple of grusome scenes where skin was ripped apart and blood squirting out like water from a water fountain. The teenager being stoned to death has kinda shocked me and shaken me a little at the beginning. Goodness, that was really too high a price to pay. Subsequently, in almost every story, there was sight of great amount of blood. Well, it left me wondering if the sight of great abundance of blood and lotsa gore do create horror or was it more of disgust? I also realised that there was also lotsa loud noises in those stories, maybe to heighten the level of fear. Ha, I thought I kinda like the last story, interesting to combine humour and horror. The boys (previously acted in "4bia") in the story did a great job! Heh, I thought I was more entertained than horrified by them. Hmm, in general, this movie has not really disappointed me but I sure hope that horror is not solely defined by or confined to gore and grusome scenes. A good plot would be good to captivate me or those who are looking for more content in the story. In that aspect, I think "Shutter" did a great job.
To my horror level for "Phobia 2": 3 out of 5 stars :P
Saturday, September 26, 2009
When the warriors meet (Part 2)...
IDD 2009
The past, the present and the future
I miss blogging the past few days, had the strong urge to do so but just could not seem to find the energy. Haven't we had moments that we really wanted to do much but our energy level just did not allow us to accomplish that? But then again, one could argue that it's all in the mind and not the body...Well, I don't think I was really ready for work for the past two weeks. Haha, the lazy bugs are really creeping in, tunnelling themselves into every single cell of my body. The interesting thing is I don't seem to be bothered by their invasion at all. Sometimes, in the midst of the busyness and all, I just choose to kinda ignore or probably place myself in a denial stage. Heh, stop babbling away again, freaky gal :P Life can be summed up in three words...Life goes on :)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hokkaido Ramen

When the warriors meet...

Dear Rene, Joyce and Edmond, thanks for the lovely dinner on Friday (or should I say it was a big feast that we all had :P) on behalf of all the three October babies! We have moved on in life, every one of us in different directions but I will never forget those days as colleagues and friends. Joyce dearie, thanks so much for arranging those gatherings all these times although we are now kinda everywhere, hee! Hugz! Here’s wishing you guys many more years of joy, satisfaction and passion as you continue to fight for what your heart desires.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Stuffed with love
Method: stack everything neatly together :P
Have been making effort to prepare breakfast for myself this year, just a simple sandwich but I think it's good enough for me. Well, I will also make sure that two other people at my workplace get to eat these sandwiches, heh, guess you know who you are. I better go sleep soon lest I won't be able to wake up early to get ready those sandwiches.
"In this life, we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love." ~ Mother Teresa
Look who's cooking!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Instant...or maybe not so
Tapestry of care
When I saw this book at Kinokuniya some time back, I knew I had to read this book – “Tapestry of Care, Voices of Medical Social Workers”. I am currently reading the part on abuse. This book allows us to take a look into the world of Medical Social Workers (MSWs). It brings us through their journey of challenges as they handle a wide array of problems faced by patients. There are stories of pain, suffering, despair, human resilience, joy and many more real life accounts. I would say their work requires much courage, all of them are human beings and I guess one of their challenges has always been handling and managing their own emotions, to discern the difference between feeling emotions and feeling emotional…I remember almost bursting into tears along the corridor of the hospital thinking about the case of a cancer patient I was handling when I was a SMSW on attachment, feeling so lost and helpless. There was also fear and uncertainty when I entered the isolation room for a patient with tuberculosis and when I made my first home visit at a one-room unit in a HDB flat. It was kinda dark along the corridor and there was a whiff of stench as I walked along one part of the staircase. But I knew I had to move on, the patients needed that support and assistance. Talking to my supervisor and keeping a log book for reflection did help at times like these…
You know, in a hospital, you hardly see this group of heroes – the medical social workers. But they are always there, doing their part to care for and support patients in one way or another. There is one commonality amongst them…a heart that cares much and deeply for people. Today, as I continue to read this book, I would like to salute these unsung heroes in the hospitals for their love, care, dedication and commitment in their profession. It is my great pleasure and honour to be able to listen to all your voices in this book. Thank you for sharing and for all the lessons that you have made all of us learnt along the way too. Will always remember the journey I had tread on as a SMSW, those memories and life lessons will always be kept close to my heart.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Got this quote from my sis's blog...
Don't ever confuse the two, your life and your work. That's what I have to say. The second is only a part of the first.~ Anna Quindlen
Don't ever confuse the two, your life and your work. That's what I have to say. The second is only a part of the first.~ Anna Quindlen
Nice one, sis. I like it! Take a break if you must k, let's not forget to be nice to ourselves at times :P ...As I was driving along PIE this early morning, I was in my usual daydreaming mode. I imagined myself staying and working in a farm. It was early morning, woke up, smelling the fresh morning air. Went to the stable to feed the horses, brush their shiny coat of fur, talk to them, looking into their eyes and smiling at them. They could be such good listeners. Time for breakfast...hot scones, raspberry jam and a cup of English breakfast tea. A golden retriever, my good buddy, was sitting next to me, wagging his tail, ever so affectionate. Went to take a walk along the river nearby, sitting by the edge and immersing my feet in the water, it was so cooling. The murmur of the water, the surface of the water glistening under the morning rays. Occasionally, you could see schools of fishes making their way down the river. It was time to pick apples from the trees, felt like taking a bite on an apple as I picked the first one. It looked so crunchy. Before long, there were two baskets filled with apples, freshly plucked. Hmm, what about baking an apple pie for tea time? ...Goodness, can somebody stop this crazy gal from daydreaming?! Well, the sudden and heavy downpour kinda woke me up from my 'dream' while I was driving. Time to concentrate and time to really wake up, silly gal!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Teochew Ah Muay
Traditional Teochew yam paste, with pumpkin and gingko nuts!
Miss Nicey Angeline wanted to recommend me this Teochew restaurant so we decided to head there this evening. Erm, is there something on my face that says I am kinda a glutton coz friends around me seemed to be recommending and bringing me to places to eat. Goodness, it must be my face :P Anyway, this Teochew restaurant is Chin Lee Restaurant. It's at Bedok North Road, located at Blk 115, #01-285. We were there pretty early so not many people. But according to Angeline, it's good to make reservation as it's usually quite crowded. Calvin also joined us for dinner. We ordered homemade tofu with mushroom (fresh and smooth!), roasted chicken with garlic (interesting but thought the garlic was kinda salty), sambal kangkong (vege was crunchy and sambal was nice!), fish maw soup (lotsa ingredients, I think my mummy will like it!) and fried kway tiao (Teochew style, good, not too oily). For dessert, we had the traditional yam paste, it was smooth and I really felt like a Teochew gal eating that, has just got that traditional flavour. My grandma will like it! Hmm, but we thought it was a bit too sweet. Realised that the menu also has some other interesting and traditional Teochew dishes. I think I am gonna bring my parents there one of these days. Heard the crispy pig trotters is good and should try the coffee pork ribs too, there seem many more kinds of dishes to try, greedy gal :P Thanks Miss Nicey Angeline for the recommendation! Thanks for the company too! Muack! :) Good, you are learning to enjoy yourself, ha, learning all the bad things from me!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Bear hugz

Chef Mark

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