Sunday, January 2, 2011

Minutes before 2011...

Jakki's green apple smoothie?

The ring or the fries? :P

My ice mocha with gelato (absolutely sinful!) ...Hee, come on Kat, it's an interesting shot, you looked good :)

Minutes before 2011...minutes before Rachel's birthday too :) We spent minutes before the new year at Dome, just a few lanes down from Tawandang. When it was twelve midnight, the little birthday cake for Rachel was brought in and we sang a birthday song for dear Rachel. The whole crowd at Dome actually sang with us! Awww...that's so sweet of them! ...Happy happy birthday Rachel...with lotsa love from Aunty Siew Boon :)


  1. Rachel and I are so blesssed with friends like all of you who make time for precious moments like these.... Thank You!
