Kat baked, I mean made a cheesecake for us when she came over to my place yesterday. According to Rachel, she stayed up till half past two in the morning to complete three of those lovely cakes. It's really sweet of her :) Kat kept saying that it's no big deal and just a simple to make cake. Well, it matters a great deal to me and I believe to the rest who ate the cake too. The thoughts and love that went into the cake can never ever be bought with any amount of money, every mouthful of it is precious...that's wealth to me :) Kat dearie, thanks for contributing to my wealth once again, haha! Snoop dearie, great to see you again...very touched by what you have shared in your blog about your Mama. I am sure she's real proud of this lovely granddaughter and I know she will always watch over you :) Hey, busy Ms Tan, here's a pic of what you have missed yesterday - Kat's cake, dun forget our next date! :P
:( 我没吃到!我想一定很好吃,再加上Kat的爱心。金钱是买不到的。