I knew I wanna watch this movie. XF has got that book but I have not really got started on the book :P You know what, I am glad I watched the movie. It's kinda like a feel-good movie. A few times while driving home late last night after the movie, I was smiling, thinking of the movie. Crazy, silly gal :P As I watched the movie, interestingly, I seemed to see myself in Liz Gilbert...there seemed to be some parts of her life which I thought I could relate to. As I continued to watch the movie, I thought there were simple but yet important reminders or lessons for all of us...Before I went to bed last night, wrote down these...
We usually see with our eyes, how often do we use our hearts to see? How do we use our hearts to see? How does it feel to see with our hearts? See the world not with your eyes but with your heart...
It is sad to be told to enjoy life, isn't it? We do not need to be rich or famous to enjoy life, how many of us can simply enjoy the simple and little things in life? How many of us can even enjoy the simple pleasure of just doing nothing? You know, the power to choose could easily be the most formidable power one could ever possess. But how much are we using this I would say innate power of ours? How ready are we to face the consequences of the choice made? Should we just live as though we do not know what's gonna happen to us at the end of the day? Must we always be so careful and realistic all the time?...Why not now?
There is certainly joy in solitude but I feel that something seems amiss in my life at times, leaving a space in my heart. Do I know the answer to this? Or could it be I am just kinda afraid to handle the answer?...Should there always be balance to have a balanced life? I was thinking..at the end of the day, maybe it's not so much about searching or discovering oneself but it's more about eat, pray and love...it's about going over to the other side, the courage to cross boundaries that one has set for himself or herself...
hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, how truly said.