Sunday, September 27, 2009

To my horror

horror (n): an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting; a shuddering fear

Having not given up on Thai horror movies, decided to catch "Phobia 2". It consists of five stories. After the five stories, it just left me wondering what horror really is. "Phobia 2" seemed kinda different from "Shutter" and "4bia". In "Phobia 2", I feel that there was much gore and a couple of grusome scenes where skin was ripped apart and blood squirting out like water from a water fountain. The teenager being stoned to death has kinda shocked me and shaken me a little at the beginning. Goodness, that was really too high a price to pay. Subsequently, in almost every story, there was sight of great amount of blood. Well, it left me wondering if the sight of great abundance of blood and lotsa gore do create horror or was it more of disgust? I also realised that there was also lotsa loud noises in those stories, maybe to heighten the level of fear. Ha, I thought I kinda like the last story, interesting to combine humour and horror. The boys (previously acted in "4bia") in the story did a great job! Heh, I thought I was more entertained than horrified by them. Hmm, in general, this movie has not really disappointed me but I sure hope that horror is not solely defined by or confined to gore and grusome scenes. A good plot would be good to captivate me or those who are looking for more content in the story. In that aspect, I think "Shutter" did a great job.
To my horror level for "Phobia 2": 3 out of 5 stars :P

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