Sunday, September 20, 2009

When the warriors meet...

When the warriors meet…I should say at at one point of our lives, we have fought battles together. There were times that we were dragged through mud and debris but there was always a hand reaching out to pull you out of it or even having someone beside you, willing to go through the ordeal with you. There were times that we were defeated, bruised and battered but there would always be words of encouragement. There were times that it was so difficult to smile but there was always a tinge of humour that sprouted out in the midst of chaos. I am proud to have fought with this group of warriors, ha, a group of crazy and fun loving warriors…

Dear Rene, Joyce and Edmond, thanks for the lovely dinner on Friday (or should I say it was a big feast that we all had :P) on behalf of all the three October babies! We have moved on in life, every one of us in different directions but I will never forget those days as colleagues and friends. Joyce dearie, thanks so much for arranging those gatherings all these times although we are now kinda everywhere, hee! Hugz! Here’s wishing you guys many more years of joy, satisfaction and passion as you continue to fight for what your heart desires.

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