Saturday, June 12, 2010

Basel, here I come again!

Ya Kun kaya, shrimp rolls, BBQ pork, small sack of rice, olive oil, dried mushrooms, spices, Japanese noodles, milk tea, Milo, herbal tea and lotsa instant mix...There was a whole suitcase containing all these stuff for XF. Mummy was kinda worried that we could have exceeded the weight limit, that suitcase was real heavy! I felt like we were gonna operate some kinda mini provision shop in Basel. You name it, we have it, the Singaporean grocer :P

Pinkie and Purple got to meet Sidney again! Sidney has still got that silly big nose and huge fat tummy, well, not to forget, that pair of silly looking eyes...the perfect "Gotta Getta GUND" teddy bear...gave him a big hug :) What a great reunion!

XF couldn't wait to binge on her 'shitty' snacks and show off her photography skills. Pinkie, Purple, myself and her favourite snacks became her subjects :P ...Great to see her :)

First homecooked dinner in Basel, simply love cooking in XF's kitchen, Mummy let me take over the whole kitchen :P...Simple three dishes with porridge: Stir-fried spinach with lotsa carrots, egg with onions, tau gua, red pepper and Chinese mushroom with XO sauce. Hmm, what would be the next recipe for our next homecooked meal?

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